Large painting small groups

We are creating a large painting mapping out the features of the city of Bhaktapur, as well as the houses where the children live.

Since school vacations ended a week or so ago, we have had less children (around 20) attending the mid-week sessions. We have been able to break the group up more easily and I have spent some really lovely time with small groups of childen as they paint part of the map. They have been teaching me some Nepali, and I have been teaching them about colour, holding the brushes so that can get the effect they are seeking etc.

Although some of the participants are between 8-13, many have under-developed fine motor skills. But having time, as well as these small groups has been really useful in helping them develop these skills.

You can see that the children are totally immersed in painting; I really enjoyed having these small groups where we could create and chat together.

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